Hash Birthday

Run no: 1265; date: 18th February 2006;
RV: ISD Bashundhara; # hashers: 51;
Duration: 45mins, distance: no so far;
Hares: AliBarber, RailJerker, CamelJockey, Homeless;
Virgins: Alex, Mark; New Runners: HairlessBeaver
Visitors: OldFart, Rob, ANother;
Leavers: Lucy, Steroid, TickleUnderTheTable.

Rendezvous: when we finally found the hares (easy to lose CamelJockey) a quick explanation was followed by a short convoy across Bashundhara to the kids’ playground.
With instructions to follow the paper (I’d never have guessed), it was time to check it out…
The Run/walk: immediate confusion as we tried to find paper, but eventually we found the trail….

An early falsie led many of us over the requisite bamboo bridge and about 2km into the neighbouring village, before we were called back across the bridge.
It was another 5 minutes before anyone found the actual trail!
The trail wound and weaved its way around, confusing hashers (not hard to do) and even did a complete loop which took us back to the same checkpoint as earlier.

Sand and greenfields soon turned into sludge and waste-tips, but they were shortlived as we eventually circled around and found ourselves back at the A (or was it the B) point for the circle.
The Circle: which started with a musical announcement by the ‘reddishly’ attired Penís and her sidekick Fosters Can (disguised as Tiffany). Hashers were led through the beer song and, in true pantomime fashion, flash-cards were provided so that we could sing-a-long.

Hares were then thanked, especially as they had just started to hand out snacks in celebration of RailJerker’s birthday.
Virgins: Alex – a Frenchman (cue for a song) and Mark – a Canadian. New runner with an interesting name: HairlessBeaver!
Our returnee/visitor OldFart along with a couple of other visitors, then goodbye to 3 leavers Lucy, Steroid (again) and TickleUnderTheTable.

Religious Advice: Bozo-the-clown began by pointing out to the hash what a sorry bunch the American International School teachers were, especially Penís as she couldn’t even spell: “Ray, the guy that poors my beer”; ‘Retard teachers’.
AliWankBonk, OldFart (by his own admission) and ForeskinBiryani were all invited to drink out of their ‘new shoes’.
An undecided LittleJohnny had been neither a runner nor a walker, although had tried to kid us that he’d done the run: ‘plastic f**king runner’.
HairlessBeaver had worn a knotted handkerchief on his head throughout, in true British holidaymaker fashion, even though he claimed to be a Canadian. It was then revealed that he had a British passport: ‘the Englishman’.
An unfortunate incident put UppaNotch literally in the shit, so after such a trauma she needed a sit-down. Homeless was asked to step away from the food and to prostrate himself seat-like in front of UppaNotch. Co-hare CamelJockey joined him, thereby providing somewhere for OldFart to sit down. DD to the ‘shit-stepper’.

Running hares received abuse for setting the worst run ever – and a pipeline DD which resulted in beer-abuse by AliBarber as he simply poured it over his head…
Walking hares also received a DD and AliBarber joined them for his ‘beer abuse’.
LBH was finally made to drink a DD through the pipe for providing ‘warm beer’ to hashers in need of a cold drink.
A hashie birthday song for a 70 year old RailJerker followed, along with a thank you for the food.

Next week’s hash: 4pm Little Italy
On paper….…
Warm & Fluffy